Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three) Read online

Page 17

  We stayed in bed for a while, trying to put ourselves back together. She played with my untamed waves and I stared into her eyes. Her fingers traced the edges of my face, making me smirk every now and again.

  “What?” she asked.


  “What about me?”

  “You’re bloody amazing. You have dealt with so much with me, and you still haven’t given up.”

  “I almost have a couple times.”

  “I know. But you are still here with me, taking care of me, even though there have been many moments when I didn’t deserve it.”

  “Henry, don’t say that. You deserve to be loved and cherished.”

  “But I have really–”

  “Shh.” Elaina placed her finger over my lips. “No more bad talk. Let’s talk about our ceremony.”

  I smiled. “Nope. It’s a surprise.”

  “You know I’m not a fan of surprises.”

  “But I think you’ll like this one.”


  “Shh, bird.” I put my finger on her lips. She gave me a look of disdain, which made me laugh. “Let’s get dressed. I want to give Quinn a proper thank you for Sophie’s cross.” Elaina stuck out her lip and I nipped it. “Come on. I’ll give you more later. Lots more hard fucking. Sound good?”

  Her grin told me she loved that idea…as did I.

  Chapter 17

  Elaina and I walked back into the cafeteria—both looking spent, but feeling rather refreshed.

  “Henry…,” Quinn said as she jumped up from her seat and rushed to me before we could get two steps into the room.

  Following behind her, Gunther leaned against the wall next to the door. We huddled together, not wanting anybody else to hear…but also not paying attention to our surroundings.

  Rookie mistake.

  She took me by the arms. “Are you all right?” Quinn asked me, concerned.

  Smiling at her, I thought, Such a great woman. “Yes. Please allow me to properly thank you.” I took her hands and kissed both of her cheeks. “What you two did for me was nothing short of brilliant.” The words caught in my throat and I had to pause and clear it. “Sophie meant a lot to me. I protected her for a lot of years before being sent here to fulfill the program. After I left, she was abused in more ways than I want to think about. For the longest time, the guilt has destroyed me, but Elaina has been helping me through that. I just want to thank you for helping her bring this gift of a memorial to me. It’s perfect and absolutely stunning.” I smiled weakly, trying to hold back my emotions.

  “What program? What do you mean by ‘fulfilling the program’?”

  No one had noticed Ben standing there while I poured my heart out to Quinn. I turned and glared at him for interrupting.

  “Back…the…fuck…off,” Gunther fumed as he stood straight. “This is none of your concern.”

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on here,” Ben said with a sneer.

  “It’s none of your goddamned business!” Elaina shouted, pointing in his face.

  Yeah, that got everyone’s attention. Jane came running over, as did Nick. I cursed under my breath.

  “Get your finger out of my face, bitch!” Ben growled.

  I shoved Elaina out of the way and put her behind me. Fucker had better shut his trap or I would shut it for him. No one talked to my Elaina that way.

  “Bloody hell. Here we go,” Gunther muttered.

  “Don’t you ever speak that way to her again,” I warned. “You want to yell at someone, you yell at me. We clear?” One false move, and Ben would be the cocktail before dinner. My tone remained calm but stern. “I suggest you do not raise your voice to her again, or I will fucking gut you and feed your scraps to the undead. Do we have an understanding?”

  Gunther lingered off to my side, his arms crossed in front of his chest, grinning. He looked like a proud poppa seeing me so in control and ready to battle.

  “Back off, cocksucker,” Ben growled.

  I stepped up to him, nose-to-nose, toe-to-motherfucking-toe. “And just what are you going to do about it?” My angry side was lurking under the surface.

  In a flash, Ben reached around and pulled a gun out, putting it to my head. Son of a bitch. That’s one of our Sigs.

  “Ben, no!” Jane bellowed as Elaina belted out a scream.

  I didn’t even blink.

  “Shut up, Jane!” Ben growled.

  I stood still, unfazed by the gun to my head. It wasn’t the first time, but the possibility it would be the last was strong. Gunther lowered his arms and took one step closer. He grabbed Quinn’s arm and pulled her to his side.

  We continued to stare at one another. Nick, glancing at Gunther, was easing his way closer to Ben. Their eyes and body language spoke to each other, and they were going to take Ben out of the picture. We just needed to right moment and I needed to keep Ben focused on me.

  By the strangled sounds of her breathing, it was obvious Elaina was scared Ben was going to pull the trigger. “Henry…,” she whispered.

  “I suggest you put the gun down,” I growled.

  “I’m a retired SEAL. You don’t scare me.”

  In the background, one of the kids whimpered. I had forgotten about them. Gunther peeked around us, and Cora was cowering in the corner, holding them close.

  I never broke eye contact with Ben when I responded, “Love, I want you to take the children out of here and protect them.” She started to protest, but I cut her off, “Go, Elaina. We’ve got this,” I growled.

  My greatest fear was she would see me get shot. I was okay with my fate, but Elaina did not need to witness it. The only thing comforting me in the situation was knowing Gunther would take care of Elaina if something happened to me.

  She ran over to Cora and grabbed Silas. “Come on. Follow me,” she said in a panic. All three of the kids were crying.

  “Are they going to…,” Cora cried.

  “I don’t know! Just follow me,” Elaina yelled, tugging at their arms.

  She was trying to stay strong, but my life was in danger. We were still shouting at each other when Elaina and the kids ran out past us, Cora following behind. Gunther made sure he pushed Quinn further behind him, just in case Ben started shooting. I would take a bullet for my love any day of the week, too.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elaina grab Cora, say something to her, and hand her a key. Elaina pulled the Sig out of the back of her pants and crept to the door, trying to see if she could get a clear shot of Ben.

  Wishing she would listen to me for once, I focused on Ben and the gun pressed to my head, needing to keep his attention so the others could act. I knew if I even tried to pull out my Sig, he would pull the trigger. Between Nick, Elaina, Gunther, and I, we would be able to put an end to the situation.

  “Tell me what program you’re talking about!” Ben shouted as he pushed the gun into my forehead.

  “It was my job, which doesn’t concern you!” I barked back.

  “Bullshit!” Ben grinned. “I know exactly what you’re talking about.”

  “Ben, please,” Jane begged. “Let’s talk about this like normal people.”

  Ben laughed. “As I told you before, they are not normal people! Remember the vial?”

  Oh fuck. This is not going to end well. Somehow, he had found out about the program.

  “Show me your forearms!” Gunther’s eyes flickered to mine. He had stepped closer without notice. “Show me your forearms, or I will start pulling the trigger and take each and every one of you out!”

  Nick went for his gun. “Dad! Behind you!” Mara yelled. Ben spun around and I was deafened by the gunshot. People were screaming, but I couldn’t hear past the intrusive ringing in my ears. The smell of gunpowder filled my sinuses. Then I saw it…

  Nick writhing in pain on the ground.

  My senses cleared as the adrenaline coursed.

  “Nick!” Elaina bellowed from just outside the doorway. She ran inside the c
afeteria and I tried to grab her before she was shot, as well.

  “Elaina! No!” I shouted.

  “Now, watch! Watch what happens when he bleeds out.” Ben’s voice was full of pure evil and implicit excitement.

  In a swift movement, Gunther reached out with his long arms, grabbed Ben by his head, and twisted. The gun went off again, igniting more screams in the already volatile atmosphere. We were deafened once again, but a sickening crunch flooded our ears, only to be drowned out by Elaina’s raw shrieks.

  Gunther threw Ben to the floor in disgust.

  “Noooo!” Mara and Lauren screamed at the same time. “You bastard!”

  Shaking, Jane was in shock.

  “I’m here, Nick. I’m here,” Elaina cried. He was growling through his teeth—jaw set firm and tight. The hole in his shoulder was leaking like a sieve. Her hands were covered in his blood. “Quinn! I need something to stop the bleeding!” I yanked off my shirt and applied pressure to the wound, pressing his shoulder into the floor. “Stay with me Nick,” she murmured.

  Nick’s eyes were losing their color and his face was getting pale. His life was fading. I was kicking myself because I should have done more to stop this.

  “Lai-ny…iss o-kay,” Nick garbled. “L-l-let me g-go.” Tears tracked down his cheeks. “Please.”

  “No. No! I won’t let you go,” her voice cracked. “Stay with me. We will fix you.”

  I lifted my shirt to look at the wound. The blood continued to pour out. The bullet must have hit the artery. “Fuck!” I yelled.

  “Plea-se…,” Nick moaned.

  Quinn had stuck her hand into the hole in his shoulder, trying to pinch off whatever she could.

  He hissed. “Lainy…i-iss okay. P-please…let m-me go…b-be with Claire and W-W-Willow.”

  “No! What about me? You are the only one I have left!”

  “L-lai…ny…” Nick’s voice gave out and his eyes fluttered closed. Then he opened them slightly and whispered, “I love…” His face relaxed, he took a strangled breath, then exhaled loudly.

  “No! No, no, noooo!” Elaina let out a gut-wrenching scream. She beat on his chest and pawed at his face, leaving bloody streaks everywhere she touched. “Come back! Please, come back. Nick! Please,” she collapsed on his chest.

  “Get her out of here. Everyone, go!” I demanded. “Go before he turns!”

  Gunther grabbed Elaina. He was the only one strong enough to hold her as she struggled. She was flailing around in his arms, screaming for Nick. Tears in her eyes, Quinn followed them out.

  Once he dragged Elaina into the hallway, Eli and Mara charged at me. “Stand down!” I ordered.

  “Shit,” I heard Gunther say “Quinn, take her. You have to hold her. Don’t let her go!” Quinn nodded and grabbed Elaina. He stormed back into the cafeteria. Josie dropped to the floor next to Nick, sobbing. It made me pause, until I heard Quinn yelling.


  “Thomas!” Quinn yelled from the hall. “Go guard Cora and the kids. If any of those bastards tries to get in, you shoot to kill.” Thomas ran off. Elaina fought with amazing stamina, trying to get free of Quinn.

  “Stand down!” I shouted at Eli and Mara again.

  I took a quick glance over toward Ben. Jane and Lauren were hovering over him, crying. Gunther stalked over to them. With a snarl, he grabbed Lauren and yanked her up to a standing position, then pulled out his Sig. “Do as he says or I will shoot her!” He pressed the Sig to Lauren’s head, stopping Eli and Mara dead in their tracks.

  “We don’t have much time,” I warned Gunther as I knelt to Nick, noting the expanding pool of blood around his body. “Jesus Christ…”

  “Josie…love,” Gunther murmured, still holding a struggling Lauren. “Josie, you need to leave. Go out with Quinn.”

  Josie swiped her thumb over Nick’s gray lips. “I love you,” she whispered and leaned down, gently pressing her lips to his. I had no idea she connected that much with him. It broke my heart. Josie stood and staggered into the hallway.

  Nick’s hands twitched. “Damn it! He’s turning,” I muttered in defeat. I stood and trained my gun at his head. Staring down at him, I was having a hard time pulling the trigger. My hand shook.

  This is it for Elaina. I’m all she has left. Deep breaths.

  Then Nick’s arms and legs tremored.

  “Do it! What are you waiting for?!” Gunther shouted.

  I didn’t want him to completely turn. I’d rather Elaina not see him that way. “I’m sorry for everything, brother. I promise you, I will take care of Elaina. Claire and Willow are waiting for you.”

  Closing my eyes, I turned my head. I couldn’t watch or I would relive it for years—if not forever. I squeezed my eyes tighter and pulled the trigger.

  The pop of the gun made me shudder. Elaina screamed, and so did Quinn, Josie, Jane, Lauren, and Mara. Gunther pushed Lauren off to her mother as Elaina came rushing back into the room. Quinn had run off, and Josie sobbed against the wall.

  “Nick!” Elaina’s body buckled in on itself as she let out another blood-curdling scream. Oh, god… It killed me to hear her like that. How will she ever deal with all the pain? Elaina collapsed onto Nick’s chest, sobbing. I tried to pull her off, but she fought fiercely.

  “Elaina. Elaina!” I finally grab her. She turned into my chest and cried harder than I had ever seen before. The sounds that came from her were indescribable. “Shh… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, love.” I dragged her to the doorway.

  “I want you out of here!” Gunther roared, turning toward the other group.

  “Please,” Jane pleaded with him. “Please, don’t throw us out. My daughter–”

  “You’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck!”

  “Please! I’m begging you. We had nothing to do with this. It was all Ben.”

  “Likely story,” he growled. “Line up against the wall!” They did as Gunther instructed, assumingly because they were terrified of him after he snapped Ben’s neck with zero effort. “If you have any weapons, turn them in now.” He aimed his Sig at them.

  Quinn ran past me and Elaina with a blanket, laying it on top of Nick. Tears streaming, she reached out and touched Gunther’s arm. “Gun…,” she whispered.

  “Not now. I’m busy,” he growled.

  “Gun, we need to get him out of here and clean up. Please. I can’t carry him myself. I need you.” The muscles in his face twitched, showing that Nick’s true death was affecting him, as well. “Henry’s taking care of Elaina. And Thomas is guarding Cora. All I have is you and Josie to help me.” She wiped at the tears running down her face. “And I can’t make Josie help me carry him.”

  “Josie!” Gunther yelled.

  “Yeah?” she squeaked.

  “Take my gun and guard them. If anyone so much as moves a muscle, shoot to kill. Understand?”

  “No fucking problem,” Josie snarled.

  She took position and held strong, ready to avenge Nick. Her waif-like body may not have been physically strong, but from what Gunther had told me, she knew how to use a gun quite well.

  “If any of you think of harming a hair on her head, I will do to you what I did to him!” he yelled, pointing down at Ben like rubbish. Then he and Quinn knelt down, rolling Nick into the blanket. Looking up at us still in the doorway, he said, “Henry, take her to your room. I don’t want to carry him past her.”

  I scooped my shattered Elaina into my arms, carrying her down the hall and back to our room.

  Gunther picked Nick up and carried him through the door, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

  Quinn ran to the pantry and unlocked it, then dug around until she found a single roll of paper towels. She looked under the sinks, finding a bottle of bleach. Rushing back to the bloodied floor, she stopped short. The pool was overwhelming, but it needed to be cleaned up for Elaina’s and Josie’s sakes.

  “Quinn… Quinn, please. Talk some sense into Gunther. Please,” Jane begg

  Quinn stopped and spun around, a bloody paper towel dripping from her hand. Her red, swollen eyes couldn’t contain the tears. “Nick was a great man. He watched his fiancée and baby girl die not that long ago, and he has struggled ever since. I am profoundly upset over this. Your husband took it upon himself to kill someone in my family!” Quinn jabbed her finger toward Ben’s limp body on the floor. “You are lucky Gunther hasn’t given you what he gave that asshole you called a husband!” Josie lost what control she had left and began sobbing. “Oh, hon…” Quinn grabbed her and took the Sig, glaring at Jane and her family. “If any of you move, I swear…” Josie clutched into Quinn’s shoulder.

  Gunther walked back in and rushed to Quinn’s side. His eyes focused on the gun in her hand, then on the group. “I lay him next to Claire and Willow’s grave for now. I figure that’s where he would want to be. We’ll bury him tomorrow. Go get Henry. Tell him I need his help, and you stay with Elaina. We need to deal with this situation.”

  She pulled Josie away. “Come with me, my girl,” Quinn murmured. Josie nodded, wiping her face with the bloodstained cuff on her hoodie. Gunther knelt and finished cleaning the floor, keeping one eye on the group.

  I held Elaina’s hair back while she threw up over and over again. In between vomiting, she sobbed. Sitting on the floor, I pulled her onto my lap and rocked her back and forth, trying to calm her down. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head, being as tender and loving as I knew how.

  “Love… I am so sorry.” My voice hitched, feeling like Nick’s true death was entirely my fault.

  There was a knock on the door, but Elaina didn’t look up. She wasn’t moving from my lap.

  “Henry? Can we come in?” Quinn asked as she cracked open the door.


  Her voice shook as she spoke. “Gunther wants to see you. Josie and I can stay with Elaina until you get back.”

  “Love? Is that all right with you? I should be back shortly.” She nodded, still hiding her face in my chest. I picked her up and walked to our bed, lying her down. She curled up into a fetal position, covering her face with her hair. Leaving a kiss on her head and rubbing her back, I murmured, “Love you. I won’t be gone long.” I headed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me. “Motherfucker!” I screamed as I stomped toward the cafeteria.